What are the benefits of using Linux?
There are quite a few. Linux is free to use, highly efficient, and very fast. The 64 bit version of Manjaro with the XFCE desktop boots up in only a few seconds, and uses only 200MB of memory to run. Linux systems are also very secure, and are not affected by the huge amount of Windows viruses, trojans, worms, or malware out there. Anti-virus software is not required. And as for the tens of thousands of software applications available - including fully compatible equivalents of popular Windows software such as MS Office --these are also completely free. It is also possible to easily run many popular Windows applications on Linux using compatibility software such as Wine/PlayonLinux. The examples given here are far from comprehensive!
Why is Linux free? What's the catch?
There isn't one. Linux operates on a completely different philosophy than those of for-profit corporations such as Microsoft and Apple. Linux systems and software applications are funded through sponsorship, donations, and of course, the hard work of many, many enthusiasts. Linux has a dedicated and highly enthusiastic fan-base for a very good reason.
Why are there so many different Linux distributions?
Different Linux distributions (variations of the operating system) have been developed for different types of users, for different purposes, and for different hardware capacities. For example, distributions such as Mint or Zorin are specifically designed to apply to newcomers or those without technical expertise. At the other end of the scale, distributions such as Arch are designed for computer enthusiasts. Manjaro is designed to bridge that gap. Different flavours of a distribution means it comes with different desktop environments - you're rarely if ever stuck with whatever desktop comes pre-installed.
What is the difference between cutting edge and bleeding edge technology?
Generally speaking, cutting edge refers to the latest technology that has finished development and has been fully tested. Bleeding edge technology is that which has not finished development and/or is still undergoing testing. The use of bleeding edge technology therefore carries the risk of being unreliable or unstable.
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